Thursday, June 11, 2009

Charlottetown - day 1

Gonna take a page from Starshine here and do a mini travelogue if y'all don't mind.

Today, it rained. A lot. Literally cats and dogs. Tomorrow is going to be even more of the same.

The funeral service was nice and the trip to the cemetery afterwards was rather interesting - it seems that on the Island, they have a custom that whenever a funeral procession is chugging along the highway, drivers pull over to the side of the road. (except one) out of about 40 or so that we saw, they pulled over to the side of the road while the procession was going by. Interesting.

It was also interesting to see how the Islanders got together afterward at the home of my wife's uncle and aunt. I've been to PEI maybe ten times in my life, but this was the first time I really got to see a typical Islander's life in a house and the community getting together. It's a whole different world, folks. I imagine it's probably the same for someone being in Martha's Vineyard or some other locale like that.

We didn't do much tonight after the funeral and get-together, but did have a quite leisurely drive back to Charlottetown with the scenery to look at, and also drove around the historic waterfront of C-Town before vegging out in the hotel room and letting the boys run wild for a bit.

Tomorrow, we plan to actually get out of the car and stroll around the C-Town waterfront -- that is, if we don't get drowned by the rain in the forecast. Will definitely have to find some raspberry cordial to bring home and some souvenirs to bring in the car to keep the boys occupied for the long drive back home on Sunday.


maroonclown said...

I wish I would have seen this sooner.

Firstly, my condolences to you and your family. Our thoguhts are with you at this time of utmost sadness.

Secondly, in response to your blog, I only noticed the particular driving patterns of my fair island only after I left for many years and returned in a rental car.

"They" say if you can drive on PEI you can drive anywhere. I now beg to differ. After learning how to drive on the island I know it was never even close as to what the horrors were to offer in Toronto.

But I have to admit I'm always gellus to hear when my friends are visiting my home and I can't be there to welcome them.

macgyver13 said...

Hey MC!

Are you from Charlottetown or from one of the smaller locales? We're currently in Charlottetown, but were in Montague for the funeral and visited with Pene's family in Flat River (it seems half of the family owns the land around there).

Charlottetown has really fixed up University Ave. over the years since I was last there in 2003 - not sure if that's good or bad in terms of preserving Island culture, but at least there's more variety to shop from if you need certain things.

One thing that definitely hasn't changed from all the times I've visited PEI: The people continue to be amongst the friendliest around. Sure, there's been the occasional standoffish person but I always got the sense that they'd bend over backwards to accommodate you.

maroonclown said...

I was born and grew up in Summerside but my brother and his family live in Ch'town.

Puffy said...

I'd like to visit that area of Canada.