Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Job!

Well, folks... it's official.

I've been moved up to the level of Program Coordinator for the department since the position was vacated for a Professional Development leave. Big step up after 8 years only worrying about teaching and lesson plan development.

Tomorrow is going to be my first day on the job (yes, I made sure it's for real and not an April's Fool prank) and it'll be a big change as my teaching load will decrease and I'll have tons more time in the office instead of pounding information into my learners one after another.

I'd better go and dust off my old Roberts Rules of Order book for the meetings that will come...


Starshine said...

Congratulations Pepe, I hope you enjoy it... just not enough that you miss it when you have to move back

Swami said...

Congratulations, Pepe. I hope you had a great First Day!

~Nutz said...

Congrats, Pepe!

I hope you don't miss the classroom too much like some of my colleagues do when they step up.

BTW: I love the template you chose!

macgyver13 said...

Thanks all for the best wishes... and to Nutz for the template comment. Your own blog inspired me to find that template!

Nah, I won't miss the classroom too much - I'll still be teaching about 75% of the time, 25% of the teaching load will be given up so I can do the other things with the PC job.